The Do More Store is curated with a wide variety of orthopedic equipment, therapy tools, and gift shop items, to support your journey. As you walk-in to the office, the store is located on your left.
Here are a few things that we regularly have in the store:
- Walking aids/Assistive Devices: Wheelchair, walkers, canes, knee scooter, crutches
- Durable Medical Equipment (DME): Off-the-Shelf equipment for your foot, ankle, knee, hand, wrist, or shoulder needs.
- Crutch Accessories: Pads, bags, spikes and kits.
- Cast Covers & Decorations: Upper & lower extremity and cast decorating for kids.
- Hand & Massage Therapy Items: Theraputty, stretching straps, therabands, balance discs, massage rollers, lacrosse balls, theracanes, and foam rollers.
- Topical: Medical grade CBMD cream, Voltaren, Arnicare, and Siligen scar sheets.
- Gift Shop Items: Candles, t-shirts, adult coloring items, cards, and mugs.
- Hot/Cold Therapy Items: Ice packs for all body parts, rice neck heating pads, and hot/cold packs.